Sunday, November 4, 2012

How he proposed...

Our plans for that day was to go to my cousin Kim's house for a BBQ. We packed up what drinks and snacks we wanted to bring and headed off for a family gathering. 

It was a beautiful day, Tony kept asking if my parents or my brother were coming to Kim's and I explained why they wouldnt be there. (little did I know he wanted to ask either one of them for their blessing to ask me to marry him)

We stayed all day and part of the night and then decided to go over to his brother's house to end the evening. We arrived and ended up in deep discussion about many touchy subjects. After awhile we decided it was time to leave and yet still "discussing" our 
different views on those touchy subjects. 

When we got back to his house, he was upset that I didnt realize how much he loved me. He grabbed something out of the garage cabinet and proposed to me right in his backyard (under the stars) and told me he couldnt imagine life without me. He explained how he had a whole day planned in August to propose "romantically". I told him this was the most romantic and unexpected way he could do it.

Something I will never forget and cherish forever. 

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